

Children get headaches. This may come as a surprise to many people but the reality is children and adolescents get headaches. Studies indicate that up to 8% of 3-year-olds, and over 80% of teens experience a headache. Fortunately, ongoing and recurrent headaches are much less frequent.

There are many reasons why children get headaches, and at Friedman Brain we explore the various possibilities. Research has shown that parents often worry about the serious neurological causes for their child’s headaches. Most headaches in children are not related to ominous neurologic causes. A thorough assessment including a detailed history, inquiry into potential triggers, behavioral and school issues combined with a detailed neurological examination often points to the cause of headaches in children.

Managing pediatric headache is based on understanding the nature of the headaches. Arriving at a precise diagnosis is the first step. Distinguishing between Migraine, Tension, and other headache types will help provide a more personal treatment plan.

Please click here for an online article on pediatric headache quoting Dr Friedman.

Please click here for a short video on the “red flags” of headaches in children.

What can I do before the assessment?

  • Be prepared to provide a detailed history of the headaches.
  • Bring a list of medications and dosages previously used.
  • Think about some of the potential headache triggers and maintain a headache diary. This can be done on your Smartphone or using the attached Diary.